Jul 13, 2015

5 Ways to Pray for our Wedding/Marriage

1. Pray for our wedding to be hardly about us, but ALL about Jesus.
We are excited to portray the beautiful picture of Jesus's love for His people. Pray us to not be anal, impatient, or angry throughout this week with the many details, questions, and other hooplah. Pray were serving one another rather than serving our selfish ambitions. Pray that we honor God in our words and actions at this wedding and that we are a testimony of God's grace in our lives. Without Him, we can do nothing. We are able to enjoy the gift and meaning of marriage because of Jesus.

2. Pray for my fellow brothers and sisters to be strengthened in the gospel.
For marriages to grow in forgiveness, grace, sacrifice, love and grow in utter dependence on Christ. Pray for those in dating relationships to be encouraged by the forming of the covenant between husband and wife, to pursue holiness, and to build godly character. Pray for our sweet single brothers and sisters to serve the Lord, be patiently prayerful for a spouse, and to seek a greater joy in Christ above all else.

3. Pray for non Christians celebrating and gathering with us for their final salvation.
You could pray for seeds to be planted through the gospel message this Saturday.... Or pray for family and friends to right then and there to begin repenting from their rebellion against God and their sin and to believe the good news. Pray for Family and friends alike, who are coming from all sorts of paths in this lifetime to come to saving faith in Christ alone. Pray for ears to hear, and eyes to be opened. Faith comes by hearing. Let faith come on Saturday.

4. Pray for our upcoming marriage.
Pray for Jose to love, sacrifice, and lead while I submit, am gentle, and am teachable. Pray for us to savor our Lord Jesus always. We need so much prayer- to fight well when disagree, to reconcile quickly and grow in sanctification. Pray that we grow more godly and sharpen one another in the bible. Pray our pride is constantly being killed and we remember we are not enemies. Pray that we remind one another of how good God is, the gospel, forgiveness, and grace. Pray we are growing in the knowledge and grace of Christ

5. Pray for us to make disciples and followers of Jesus.
Pray for us to be intentional with meeting our neighbors and community- serve them in any way possible, invite them over for dinner, and to hang out and go to church. To really live life on life in a gospel centered way, and encourage others who God in all sovereignty places in our lives. Pray for us not to be an introverted marriage- but a marriage who bold for the gospel. Ill stick these last two in too...1. pray for us to be able to have children- and that we are being prepared to raise kids in gospel centered parenting, teaching, and loving :D 2. Pray for us to listen carefully for God's call for us to go overseas to evangelize and church plant :) - and not overseas to Hawaii Mr. Jose!

Thanks everyone<3 Grace and peace!

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