Oct 17, 2015

Marriage is Hard Too

In these 3 months I get the oh so popular question: "How's married life?!"

I love it because I get to answer it and I am pretty real with my answer. Its super awesome, sweet, the best, intimate, and special. BUT its soooooo hard too.

Im a sinner. I have MAJOR control issues. I want people to react a certain way, speak a certain way depending on how I treat them. So you could imagine how hard I am on Jose sometimes. When I lose control, I dont speak kindly, and am quick to anger. I am emotional so I cry easily. I am irrational and defensive. I am selfish and can shut down. I am a brat and have no trouble remaining one when remaining prideful. Its terrible. Marriage reveals a lot more of it as our lives are learning to mesh together.

All these things are being revealed the more I dont enjoy the Lord. My hope is that as I grow utterly depending on Christ alone, He can help me grow in holiness and fruits of the spirit. I need Him lots and lots.

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